The first person i interviewed was my friend Dean (age 16). Dean and i have been friends since we were kids so i usually value his insights and he usually has something intelligent to say but on this matter i really didnt find much interesting in what he or anybody i interviewed said. Dean an i discussed his thoughts and anticipations for prom, which revealed that his answers were relatively similar to that of the dominant social practice response. he hopes prom will be a fun experience where he takes the beautiful girl and all the guys are jealous. He is planning on renting a limo and weariing his dad's tuxedo. i tried going deeper and asking what he thinks the guys role and importance v.s. the girls to the prom process is to which he responded with the guys are their to make the girls look socially acceptable and hopefully to get a little something after for their troubles.
The second person i interviewed was my cousin monsoora. She is in college now but went to her high school prom and was willing to share her experience with me. she told me she went with a guy sort of like your classic prom and was pretty happy with the way it turned out. She got to wear a pretty dress and put on make up and be the center of attention for a bit kind of like she would when she would dress up like a princess for parties when she was a kid. This got me thinking, is prom a rite of passage to transform into an adult or is it a way for teens to regress back to their former child selves. The more i thought about it i felt that the latter was becoming more and more true.
The third person i interviewed was my mom. Growing up not in the U.S. she didnt have a prom and actually never heard of one until coming to the U.S. in her culture prom isnt a dominant social practice and in fact is somethign that may even be kept hidden because of the sexual aspect that is a part of it. Knowing this i wanted to know what she believes prom is like. She told me prom is when the girl dresses up like CINDERELLA and goes to the dance with a guy. I asked what she thought the role of the guy was compared to the role of the women, to which she said that she thinks the prom is mainly for girls, a moment for them to pretend that they are the most important person in the world and the guy is just their to support that fantasy.
All three interviews revealed that the dominant social practice abProxy-Connection: keep-alive
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t prom is very widely known, even people who didnt grow up learning about it found out someway. With all these stories about cinderella and being a princess the males role is really overshadowed. When interviewing my cousin the person who had been to prom before she said something about going to prom is like being a princess at parties back when you were a kid. I found that the most insightful in questioning the true purpose of prom but i also enjoyed the comment my mother made about how prom is a night where the girl can fantasies that she is the most important girl in the world, which i think for those who do prom in the DSP way may be true.
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