Monday, May 23, 2011

HW 57 - Initial Thoughts on Prom

Being a junior in high school i am starting to think a bit about prom.the big questions that come to mind for me is who am i going to take? Which thinking about it is a little strange. Why is the first thing i think of when thinking about prom is my date? Does this ritual emphasize promoting my sexual dominance over other guys or is it just me following ritualistic script without any sort of other meaning. Prom promotes social success. Only the cool kids have dates, the most popular students become prom king and queen and for that moment the not so popular kids are outcasted the furthest being excluded from the most "memorable transformation" of their lives (it obviously all depends on where you go).

I have had my own experience with prom in middle school. I couldn't afford a limo but i did have a date, and at that moment being able to have my own date and get her flowers and take her through the door while all the others kids watched me felt amazing. I know they say that the girls crave the attention from the crowd of other kids but i wanted some too. i was with a pretty girl in a nice suit and everyone noticed that. It promoted my social standing and boosted myself esteem which i think really helped make the night more enjoyable. Being a male, prom isn't focused on making me feel special (mostly the girl), its their time to shine, to wear the expensive dress and show off how pretty they look. But is this fair to the guy who does play a significant yet undermined role in the prom experience.


  1. Does prom promote social success?
  2. Does going with a date allow the male to feel more sexually dominant?
  3. Is this feeling of being special only apply to the girl?

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