Friday, May 27, 2011

HW 59 - SOF Prom 2011 & DSPs

Interviewing people who went to prom and my personal experience (with a middle school prom) i have realized their is this large idea of traansitioning into adulthood and as Andy said in class prom is what we view as a glimpse into what it is like to be an adult. building on this idea i realized that their are two different glimpses into adulthood on the night of prom. On one hand you have the main event PROM, where you get this feeling of being a mature adult with a steady flow of money that you can spend on your tux and limo, and you get to take a date and you feel matured and important but their is also this glimpse into the immature adulthood at the after prom which is this feeling of being 20 something and your out partying and drinking alcohol and having sex, not caring about anything else for those few hours.

Interviewing people who went to prom it was abundantly clear that even though they were looking forward to the prom they were really excited for the after-prom. One student (who's identity will remain secret so that they don't get in trouble) said that the after prom was where the real action happened referring to the sex and alcohol. Which raises the question, why does the alcohol and sex seem more attractive then the dancing and attempt at social superiority that occurs at the prom. my thought is that it may be because of the fact that both alcohol and sex are considered taboo (at least for people at our age) and therefore it is seemed as more of an achievement, which then leads to quicker jump to a higher social level. I did not participate in prom because I'm in the 11th grade but from what i was told by a friend who did go to prom is that it was not magical or transformative, it was more like just another opportunity to compete for social dominance.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

HW 58 - Prom Interviews

The first person i interviewed was my friend Dean (age 16). Dean and i have been friends since we were kids so i usually value his insights and he usually has something intelligent to say but on this matter i really didnt find much interesting in what he or anybody i interviewed said. Dean an i discussed his thoughts and anticipations for prom, which revealed that his answers were relatively similar to that of the dominant social practice response. he hopes prom will be a fun experience where he takes the beautiful girl and all the guys are jealous. He is planning on renting a limo and weariing his dad's tuxedo. i tried going deeper and asking what he thinks the guys role and importance v.s. the girls to the prom process is to which he responded with the guys are their to make the girls look socially acceptable and hopefully to get a little something after for their troubles.

The second person i interviewed was my cousin monsoora. She is in college now but went to her high school prom and was willing to share her experience with me. she told me she went with a guy sort of like your classic prom and was pretty happy with the way it turned out. She got to wear a pretty dress and put on make up and be the center of attention for a bit kind of like she would when she would dress up like a princess for parties when she was a kid. This got me thinking, is prom a rite of passage to transform into an adult or is it a way for teens to regress back to their former child selves. The more i thought about it i felt that the latter was becoming more and more true.

The third person i interviewed was my mom. Growing up not in the U.S. she didnt have a prom and actually never heard of one until coming to the U.S. in her culture prom isnt a dominant social practice and in fact is somethign that may even be kept hidden because of the sexual aspect that is a part of it. Knowing this i wanted to know what she believes prom is like. She told me prom is when the girl dresses up like CINDERELLA and goes to the dance with a guy. I asked what she thought the role of the guy was compared to the role of the women, to which she said that she thinks the prom is mainly for girls, a moment for them to pretend that they are the most important person in the world and the guy is just their to support that fantasy.

All three interviews revealed that the dominant social practice abProxy-Connection: keep-alive
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t prom is very widely known, even people who didnt grow up learning about it found out someway. With all these stories about cinderella and being a princess the males role is really overshadowed. When interviewing my cousin the person who had been to prom before she said something about going to prom is like being a princess at parties back when you were a kid. I found that the most insightful in questioning the true purpose of prom but i also enjoyed the comment my mother made about how prom is a night where the girl can fantasies that she is the most important girl in the world, which i think for those who do prom in the DSP way may be true.

Monday, May 23, 2011

HW 57 - Initial Thoughts on Prom

Being a junior in high school i am starting to think a bit about prom.the big questions that come to mind for me is who am i going to take? Which thinking about it is a little strange. Why is the first thing i think of when thinking about prom is my date? Does this ritual emphasize promoting my sexual dominance over other guys or is it just me following ritualistic script without any sort of other meaning. Prom promotes social success. Only the cool kids have dates, the most popular students become prom king and queen and for that moment the not so popular kids are outcasted the furthest being excluded from the most "memorable transformation" of their lives (it obviously all depends on where you go).

I have had my own experience with prom in middle school. I couldn't afford a limo but i did have a date, and at that moment being able to have my own date and get her flowers and take her through the door while all the others kids watched me felt amazing. I know they say that the girls crave the attention from the crowd of other kids but i wanted some too. i was with a pretty girl in a nice suit and everyone noticed that. It promoted my social standing and boosted myself esteem which i think really helped make the night more enjoyable. Being a male, prom isn't focused on making me feel special (mostly the girl), its their time to shine, to wear the expensive dress and show off how pretty they look. But is this fair to the guy who does play a significant yet undermined role in the prom experience.


  1. Does prom promote social success?
  2. Does going with a date allow the male to feel more sexually dominant?
  3. Is this feeling of being special only apply to the girl?

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

HW 56 - Culminating Project Comments

To Arden:
Arden, I felt that your project really took a look at the spiritual aspect of caring for the dead. The fact that your grandmother is already planning her death is not something to common but when it happens it is commendable. I feel that it personally takes a lot of courage to be able to accept your mortality and then face it head on. One line specifically stood out to me. "This plan of action has been in place for about 8 years now. This was a decision that was made as a result of her brother’s death. That experience was so emotionally challenging that my grandma did not want anyone in our family going through it when she died. " These lines showed that death does not only bring about negative effects but can also positively affect you. The fact that your grandma's brother’s death affected her in such a way that she was able to go out and change an aspect of her life for the better is really exciting and inspiring.

To Ariel:

I thought your project was hilarious. not only were the images funny but they also made the text more fun to read. Your thoughts on cremation where exciting to read. there is one line however at the begging where you said "In my point of view, I do not think someone's death should keep you from doing what you normally do. I know that if Proxy-Connection: keep-alive
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died instead of having people cry i want them to be happy for me. They should be happy for the memories we shared and because I got to accomplish a wonderful life." i personally think that this is a very common view. An idea could have been for you to
expand on to a deeper level of thinking that is something oProxy-Connection: keep-alive
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er than the dominant cultural view.


It’s interesting to me that in Islam there is so much emphasis placed on the washing of the body when it is acknowledged that the body will then be put somewhere unclean (ie in the ground). If the body is to be purified, then why can’t the Qur’an be buried with the body once it has been purified?

My prevailing thought is about how similar it all is. It seems like there is more in common among the three “great” monotheistic traditions that we acknowledge. If that is true, then we should be able to create more or better understanding among ourselves and each other. Particularly, it seems to me that there are close ties between Islam and Judaism, for example in the emphasis on the physical nature of the dead body between death and burial.

You might examine the concept of “dominant social practice” a bit more because I think it is circular. For example, you say that Muslims will attend to the dead in the way of the dominant social practice. But why is the dominant social practice the way that it is? So many times these things are influenced by religion itself. When you consider that a vast majority of Muslims live in countries that are predominantly Muslim, you will see that the dominant social practice in a place like Turkey, for example, is the way it is because of Islam. So it may be circular to say that Muslims follow the dominant social practice because that practice itself exists because of Islam. I hope I explained that well enough.

Nice writing, Mr Shadi.


Protege (steven):

The comparisons you made throughout these three religions based on a single topic (Care of the Dead) was very thought provoking. It got me thinking about other religions (or the lack of one) such as Buddhism, or Atheism. This is an interesting subject because it has such a big variety. There are many different branches of religions and branches of religions off of those branches. Although each "branch of religion" may have similar or the same ways, many may not. This can be something you can do to further deepen your study. (As well as adding on more religions).

The various paragraphs you wrote including Hinduism, Judaism, christianity and catholcism were very informative because you gave an outline of what goes on in each religion and zoomed in on more significant details of each religions. You also had an excellent conclusion to tie all of your ideas back together.

Monday, May 16, 2011

HW 55 - Culminating Project - Care of the Dead

How do different religions have an affect on the rituals we perform when caring for the dead and how are they similar or different to each other?

Religion like other forms of guidance is a way to direct your life, but what happens when your life ends; how does religion play a role in the way you are cared for when you die? In Islam the rituals preformed are very similar to that of the dominant social practices, in Christianity the Church of England and the Catholic Church have views that are similar to Islam, in which they bury their dead using religious rituals, and in Judaism there is a ritualistic process in which the family prepares the dead for their funeral. They all have common themes when it comes to what type of ritualistic process they undergo when caring for their dead and all seem to incorporate their own specific beliefs, but then why do three different religions with three different beliefs have such similar practices.     

In Islam rituals are preformed which seem similar to that of the dominant social practice. The loved ones bury the body in a cemetery with others (friends and distant family) attending a ceremony. It is traditionally considered haram (not permissible) to leave the deceased with a Qur’an or any sort of other materials as it is considered a waste of money because of the fact that it benefits nobody and throwing dirt on objects like the Qur’an (as you would do when burying a body) is a definite no, it is considered a large insult to Allah. Death, according to the Qur'an, is not the end of man's life; it only opens the door to another, a higher form of life: " We have ordained death among you and We are not to be overcome, that We may change your state and make you grow into what you know not." Qur'an 56: 60 - 61. Interviewing an imam, I discovered that although caring for the dead is basically the same as the dominant social practice. The ritual of caring for the dead is much different simply because of the religious aspect. A big aspect of this ritual is this idea of paradise (heaven) vs. hell. According to the imam, the point of life is to do enough good to reach paradise in the after-life. He specifically said that "Those who are blessed with nearness (to AlProxy-Connection: keep-alive
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h) in gardens of bliss.  They will be sitting on thrones woven with gold reclining on them facing each other.  They will be served in rounds by Immortal boys with bowls and jugs and a goblet of pure wine.  Which will neither cause them to suffer headache, nor will they be intoxicated.  They will be given fruits of their choice and the meat of birds that they desire.  And for them there will be women having lovely big eyes all neat and clean like a hidden pearl as a reward for what they used to do (from good) in their worldly life." he clearly says that you will be rewarded for doing well in your worldly life and that if you don't you will be sent to hell. Learning about the Islamic perspective on care of the dead I realized that it is what people would consider a "normal funeral". 

An Islamic Funeral usually follows this format: First, Washing the body- A male's body is to be washed by a male. A female's body should be washed by a female. A minor's body can be washed by either a man or a woman A husband can wash his wife's body and vice versa. To wash the body you must place the body on the washing table. Keeping the sexual organs of the body covered. Gently but firmly press the stomach and clean out by a towel or cloth any excertions that may have resulted by stomach pressing. The body is now ready for washing. Body should be washed with your hands or a piece of clean cloth. Use clean and warm water to wash the body. The body is to be washed three times, five times or seven times-always an odd number of times. For each washing, first place the body on its left and wash the right side using warm water and soap. Then reverse and do the other side. Male's hair should be unbraided, washed and combed. Female's hair should be gathered into two braids, with loose hair at end of each braid (kind of reminds me of how my sister would braid her hair when she was younger, reminds me of innocence). Now perform wudu (abultion) for the body. Second, there is Wrapping the body (kafan): For men, three pieces of clean, cotton preferably white cloth should be used. Each piece of cloth should be large enough to cover the entire body. For women five pieces of cloth are used. Apply non-alcoholic perfume to the kafan. Use a piece of cloth and tie the top and bottom.  Third, is the Janazah prayer which is said standing only. Like any other prayer, this prayer is offered facing Qibla. Form at least three rows where the body of the deceased should be kept in front of the Imam. The Imam stands approximately by the center of the body if the deceased is a male, and by the shoulder if the deceased is a female. Fourth, is the funeral: When not carrying the casket, one should walk in front or beside it. One should either be silent or still praying or doing Zikr; recite Surah Fatiha and Surah Ikhlas. No music or outburst of emotion is allowed. When you enter the cemetery, you should recite: “Assalam alaikum yaa ahlil kuboor” (Peace be upon you O people of the graves). Fifth (and last) is Burial: A grave should consist of two parts. Lower part is smaller than the upper part. Both parts of the grave, should however, be spacious and uniformly excavated and dug to a depth of at least five feet. The body of the deceased should be slowly and gently put on the ground of the lower part of the grave. The face of the deceased should be toward the qibla. The deceased's head should be raised a little from the ground by using a hard object like stone or a brick or hard soil, but under no conditions any foreign object including a pillow should be put in the grave. Now make a roof on the lower part of the grave by using a large stone or laying bricks side by side or a very hard wood slab. Everyone accompanying the Janazah should pour three handful of soil on the roof of the grave. The remaining part of the grave should then be filled up with soil. Again all present should contribute at least three handful of soil to finally complete the grave. The grave can be raised above the ground so that it is not more than a foot above it. 

In Christianity it is believed that when someone dies, they are judged by god. The righteous go to Heaven and the sinners go to Hell. Christians believe that Hell is the absence of gods love. In the Bible it says “ They shall suffer the punishment of eternal destruction and exclusion from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might, when he comes on that day to be glorified by his saints.” 2 Thessalonians 1:9-10 (“they” meaning the sinners). When a Christian dies, it is the end of their life on earth. If someone is on their deathbed, a minister will prepare them for death (usually after a long period of illness). When the minister is in the room prayers of preparation and reconciliation are said. Family and friends can participate in the Prayer. The funeral is held about a week after death. It can either take place in a church or at a crematorium. This rituals usually takes this form: First, The Gathering: the priest will open the service with this reading from the scriptures: “I am the resurrection and the life,' saith the Lord; 'he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. I know that my Redeemer liveth...” Book of Common Prayer 1979. Second, Readings and sermon: a section of the Bible is read out. It is often Psalm (A sacred song or hymn, in particular any of those contained in the biblical Book of Psalms and used in Christian and Jewish worship) 23, 'The Lord is my Shepherd'. Third, Personal readings: The priest will talk about the person who has died, reflecting on the person's life and their role in the Christian church. A family member or friend may wish to read out a poem or a passage from the Bible (similar to that in a wedding). Fourth, Prayers: prayers of thanksgiving, penitence and readiness for death are said, which is the congregation’s way of saying good-bye almost. Fifth, Reflection: Silent time for reflection. The congregation is given a minute to reflect on the deceased. Sixth, Commendation and farewell: The priest speaks these words: "Let us commend (insert name here) to the mercy of God, our maker and redeemer." The priest then reads a prayer of entrusting and commending. And seventh, the committal: this is probably the most formal and serious section of the service. At a burial, this is when the coffin is lowered into the grave. At a cremation, the curtains are closed around the coffin. A common phrase that is said is, "We therefore commit their body to the ground; earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust; in the sure and certain hope of the Resurrection to eternal life."

In the Catholic Church the rituals are slightly different. The Catholic Church defines a funeral as “A liturgical celebration of the Church. The ministry of the Church in this instance aims at expressing efficacious communion with the deceased, at the participation in that communion of the community gathered for the funeral, and at the proclamation of eternal life to the community.” Catholics believe in Heaven and Hell, but also in Purgatory. This is a place for those who have died in a 'state of grace' (that is, they have committed 'venial' or forgivable sins) and may not go straight to Heaven. Catholic funerals usually follow this form: First, The Vigil for the Deceased: this is a service of prayers before the day of the funeral. , songs and homilies either at the home of the deceased or in church. Second, Introductory rites: the priest greets the congregation and says: "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all." He leads the coffin and congregation down the church aisle. Holy water is sprinkled and there is an opening song and prayer. Third, Liturgy of the Word: sermons from the Bible are read out, as well as a homily (a practical rather than theological sermon) and a Psalm. Fourth, Liturgy of the Eucharist: Gifts are prepared, a Eucharist prayer is said and Holy Communion is received. Fifth, Final commendation: Mass ends, prayers are said and the coffin is taken out of the church. And Sixth, Rite of Committal: prayers are said by the final resting place (at the graveside for burial and before the curtains close for cremation).

In Judaism the family of the deceased should consult a Rabbi when death occurs. Judaism requires that burial take place as soon as possible, preferably within 24 hours of death (can be delayed if necessary) and is considered inappropriate to make arrangements on Shabbat itself. Attending to the body it is required that the deceased not be left alone prior to burial. It is preferable that shomrim (guardian) be members of the family, friends of the deceased, or members of the congregation. Tehillim (Psalms) are recited by the shomrim. Before burial organ donation is encouraged, as it is a way to respect the dead by providing for the living, embalming (and the use of cosmetics) however is not permitted. Taharah also known as ritual cleansing is required as an expression of respect and should be done by a Hevra Kadish (holy society) or a Jewish funeral director. It is also required that the dead where a white shroud to represent equality in everyone, and the casket should be made entirely of wood so not to disturbed the process of becoming part of the earth once again. A traditional Jewish funeral usually follows this form: First, Services - Funeral services may be held in the synagogue, in a funeral home, or at the gravesite. The funeral service is usually brief and simple. It usually includes the chanting of psalms and Eyl Malei Rahamim (the traditional memorial prayer), and a hesped (eulogy) honoring the deceased. Often the Cantor chants the psalms and Eyl Malei Rahamim.  Second, The Viewing which done either publicly or privately is contrary to Jewish tradition. Third, at a funeral, the casket may be covered with a specially prepared cloth, called a pall, and is borne from the funeral service to the gravesite by family or friends (pallbearers) selected by the mourners. Fourth, The pallbearers customarily stop seven times while carrying the casket to the grave. The mourners, family and friends follow the casket as a mark of respect. Fifth, in traditional practice, the casket is lowered into the earth and the grave filled, using a reversed shovel until a mound is formed over the casket. The Kaddish is recited at the grave after k'vurah is completed. There are different customs or variations and the Rabbi should be consulted. And sixth, it is customary for the mourners to pass between two rows of people in attendance to receive traditional expressions of consolation. After burial, washing one’s hands when leaving the cemetery or before entering the house of mourning is also traditional.

All of these Religions bare a striking resemblance to each other and to what we think of as the dominant social practice. They all basically follow the same format when it comes to ritualistically caring for their dead. Although they may have different beliefs and social customs they seem to have very similar rituals when it comes to caring for their dead. All of these religions have some way of preparing their dead whether it is putting a shroud over the casket or praying before they are lowered into the ground and although these preparations are different they seem to be for the same purpose which is a basic burial of the dead body and also have a this idea of allowing the dead body to become part of the earth again. Reviewing this I realized that they all have something else in common which is the emphasis they put on the way the loved ones of the dead person should act before (preparation), during (the ritual) and after (mourning) the funeral which begs the question why is the physical aspect of the dead body so important, don’t we have these rituals set up so that we can get rid of the physical and move towards the spiritual?

•    "BBC Religions." BBC. BBC, 6-23-2009. Web. 16 May 2011. <>.
•    "Guide to Jewish Funeral Practice." nited Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. Web. 16 May 2011. <>.
•    "A Guide for the Muslim Funeral." Islamic Society of North America, n.d. Web. 16 May 2011. <>.
•    "Question and answers on Burial and Funeral." Islamic Society of North America, n.d. Web. 16 May 2011. <>.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

xc - COTD2

This film tells the story of Harold, a young man obsessed with death and haunted by answerless questions that is until he meets Maude, an eighty-year-old extroverted woman that is obsessed with life and its avails. Although, Maude does not answer all of Harold's questions she leads him to realize that there is a light at the end of everyone's tunnel. Although these two are polar opposites they obviously help each other in many ways in the film. Maude introduces Harold to her way of life and liberates him from the self-imposed prison and loveless life he has been stuck in for so long.

Harold was born an only child who was raised by a single mom. His mom seeks control of all aspects of his life as most mothers do and shows virtually no emotion at all. She wants him to fit in with society and abide by the dominant social norms. She gives him no chance to think for himself as she speaks for him in almost every situation whether its filling out a dating form or talking to dates for him when they come to visit. She serves as a wall to remind Harold of his past and to constantly remind him that he has nothing else but her, which may be why he is so obsessed with death. He performs various suicides much to the displeasure of his mother. Maude played a better role model to him than his mother. She acted wild and crazy and continually demonstrated freedom, something Harold wasn't familiar with.

Funerals serve as a way for Harold to be closer to his obsession with death which spawns from his obsession for some sort of emotional connection with his mother, however as Maude becomes a part of Harold’s life his obsession with death becomes more of an expression of affection to Maude as in one part of the movie where he drives his car over a cliff, but in reality, he is not in it when it plunges to the ground. He walks away, playing his banjo and dancing, which are things that Maude had taught him. By driving his car over the cliff to make people think he has “died” again, Harold will be happier since he enjoys being “dead,” but the banjo and his dancing are symbols of the effects of his relationship with Maude. She shares many of her ideas and beliefs with Harold before she commits suicide, teaching him to dance, play the banjo, enjoy his life more and really live life to thProxy-Connection: keep-alive
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fullest.  She claims that by “aiming above morality” he can live his life better, and tells Harold that he should do things he enjoys and not be a part of societies restricting social norms. Maude committing suicide signifies that she feels she has done her part in helping Harold be a happier person and has succeeded in teaching him how to love and enjoy life, which are specific qualities he never had before their encounter and most likely would have never had without her. She allows him to understand this by later telling him to go and love some more.

ver had without her.She allows him to understand this by later telling him to go and love some more.


    *  "Six Feet Under (pilot)." Six Feet Under. HBO: 3 June, 2001. Television. 15 May 2011.

Six feet under is a demented dark comedy based around a family of undertakers with an almost sick view on the life. The pilot starts off with three siblings discovering the news that their father died in a car accident. Son, Nate who works for an organic food co-op in Seattle must come home and deal with his demented family, his brother David who is a closet homosexual who has been seeing a police officer, his mother Ruth who has to face that she has been having an affair with a hairdresser, and his sister Claire who is your average rebellious high-schooler.

This first episode gives you a look at HBO's interpretation of how this out of the ordinary family deals with the after effects of their father's death. It shows that even those surrounded by death, these people we call experts are not immune to deaths many turmoil’s.

    * "The Will." Six Feet Under. HBO: 10 June, 2001. Television. 15 May 2011.

In episode 2 the inventor of a franchise dies leaving his widow and daughter in an ocean of debt and no money for a proper funeral, hearing this Nate offers them a solution which is to rent a impressive casket just for the viewing then cremate the body afterwards, which is perfect accept for that fact that by law you can not sell back a used casket. Later at the reading of Mr. Fishers will, Ruth receives stocks, cash and insurance money while the funeral business is split between David and Nate (leaving David humiliated), and Claire gets a college fund which she considers trading in for cash.

This second episode explores the dealing of the death of a family member, from settling affairs to properly dealing with the will. It sheds some light on how we as humans tend to process our emotions when it comes to this topic.

    * "The Foot." Six Feet Under. HBO: 17 June, 2001. Television. 15 May 2011.

In episode 3 a bakery owner suffers a tragic death, which then Federico (a partner in the fisher funeral business) has to take care of. The fisher's consider selling the business to Kroehner but decide agaProxy-Connection: keep-alive
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st it when they meet with gilardi, to which they respond with purchasing the building across the street and turning it into a cheap crematorium but not before it suspiciously burns to the ground.

The third episode drifts away from the other two episodes exploring more of this concept of giving up. Then explores how this family can rise up from their tragedy (in a way) and learn to almost move past it.

Six Feet under is a dark, dramatic, (almost) comedy. It explores the emotional rollercoaster that is care of the dead. It shows that the people we call experts, who have associated and in some cases pride themselves on being able to handle death in a professional manner with no emotional instabilities are still subject to the emotional stress that comes with dealing with the death of a loved one and in this case the loss of direction regarding their lives.

This show challenges the dominant social practice when it comes to their way of grieving for a loved one but consolidates the way that we attempt to deal with everyday problems. Six Feet under shows that we are never prepared for other peoples deaths, no matter how much we surround ourselves with it we can never really fully be contempt with it. Our dominant social practices all explore this idea of grievance that the characters in the show all experience, granted that some do it differently than others they all do it. This show did however challenge the idea of being able to move past this experience. Each episode is centered around death and therefore it is almost like saying it is really impossible for this family to escape death, something that a majority of other people who aren’t surrounded by death can do very easily compared to these characters.