Friday, May 27, 2011

HW 59 - SOF Prom 2011 & DSPs

Interviewing people who went to prom and my personal experience (with a middle school prom) i have realized their is this large idea of traansitioning into adulthood and as Andy said in class prom is what we view as a glimpse into what it is like to be an adult. building on this idea i realized that their are two different glimpses into adulthood on the night of prom. On one hand you have the main event PROM, where you get this feeling of being a mature adult with a steady flow of money that you can spend on your tux and limo, and you get to take a date and you feel matured and important but their is also this glimpse into the immature adulthood at the after prom which is this feeling of being 20 something and your out partying and drinking alcohol and having sex, not caring about anything else for those few hours.

Interviewing people who went to prom it was abundantly clear that even though they were looking forward to the prom they were really excited for the after-prom. One student (who's identity will remain secret so that they don't get in trouble) said that the after prom was where the real action happened referring to the sex and alcohol. Which raises the question, why does the alcohol and sex seem more attractive then the dancing and attempt at social superiority that occurs at the prom. my thought is that it may be because of the fact that both alcohol and sex are considered taboo (at least for people at our age) and therefore it is seemed as more of an achievement, which then leads to quicker jump to a higher social level. I did not participate in prom because I'm in the 11th grade but from what i was told by a friend who did go to prom is that it was not magical or transformative, it was more like just another opportunity to compete for social dominance.

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